Blog | Dental Claim Support

The Dental Claim Support Learning Center is a resource to explain the advantages of revenue cycle management for dental businesses

Davy Clay

Blog Feature


By: Davy Clay
November 14th, 2019

Do you remember the technology scare of the new millennium? The year 2000 was supposed to wreak all kinds of havoc on computer systems all over the world…it was the end of the world…everything was going to come to screeching halt. The ball dropped, the time became 12:01am and…..nothing. For the most part. Nothing. Life in general is full of examples of forecasts that never come to fruition, but that is just a part of life. We try and try to be better at forcasting things from the weather to earthquakes to technology issues. While this issue may not be so much of a forecast as it is a forewarning, here’s what we know.

Blog Feature


By: Davy Clay
October 14th, 2019

Claims are denied by insurance companies daily for many different reasons. But one reason in particular, the Timely Filing Period denial, is certainly one that can and should be avoided at all costs. All insurance companies have a Timely Filing Period in regards to claims they receive must be received within a certain time period. The time period varies per insurance company and can be anywhere typically from 90 days to one year. Many state medicaid plans are 90 days, where as most traditional plans and PPOs are one year.

Blog Feature

Dental Billing

By: Davy Clay
April 21st, 2016

I get these job ads across my computer daily for dental offices trying to hire an Insurance Coordinator position. Every single one of them requires a minimum of 2-3 years experience in the software, whether it’s Dentrix, Eaglesoft, SoftDent, OpenDent, Practiceworks, etc. I saw this one earlier today,

Blog Feature

Dental Billing | investment

By: Davy Clay
March 3rd, 2016

That’s a great dental billing company question. Someone asked me this question recently and my answer was yes. Here’s why. Dental ClaimSupport is a service, not a product. Here’s the definition of investment: