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Want instant cash flow? Here's how dental offices increase revenue with DCS

September 9th, 2024 | 6 min. read

Want instant cash flow? Here's how dental offices increase revenue with DCS Blog Feature

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When you automate your dental patient billing, you’ll see a quick cash flow boost. While services like insurance billing need time to show results, our customers see revenue increase dramatically within 7 days of starting to use DCS Patient Billing for patient collections. 

Collecting from patients is a vital part of your bottom line, but it has a unique set of challenges. Handling a patient who has a problem with their bill is a delicate dance. And as a patient-first business, you also aim to collect what you’re owed by making the experience as convenient as possible for your patients.

Convenience, efficiency, and a revenue boost are all within reach when you use automated patient billing services — and we can prove it.

To show you what we mean by “instant cash flow,” we’re sharing the results of a few dental practices who use DCS patient billing solutions.

While DCS offers end-to-end revenue cycle management for dental businesses, we have noticed how quickly customers who use our patient billing solutions see positive revenue results.

And when we say quickly, we mean a spike in income within a few days.

Key takeaways from using our DCS Patient Billing solution:

  • Automated patient billing eliminates the cost of paper, printing, and postage for mailing statements and payment reminders
  • Your patients will enjoy the convenience of paying their bill any day, at any time, and using any device
  • You will collect faster and collect more when you automate your patient billing process  

Patient billing woes: These dental practices were struggling with collecting from patients

Let’s dive deep into what is so challenging about collecting from dental patients

  • Patients typically don’t understand their own dental insurance coverage — and so they don’t understand their Explanation of Benefits. When they don’t understand what they’re paying for, patients will dispute what they owe. This is why insurance verification and clear treatment presentations are so important! First, you confirm their benefits with their insurance, then you sit down and explain the patient’s estimated coverage and total costs to them.
  • A mailed bill is not always reliable. There’s always a chance a mailed bill or payment reminder won’t arrive. Perhaps the patient has moved, the postal system fails, or the patient mistakes it for junk mail and simply throws it away without opening it. With the cost of postage increasing every year, mailing paper bills is like pouring money down the drain. 
  • Patient bills can be sensitive and complex. If you have a patient who needs to pay their bill in installments, you’ll want to have a system in place for that scenario. And discussing a dental bill (especially a higher one) can get complicated with some patients. 

Related: Avoid rising postage rates: Get automated dental patient billing and go paperless!

Despite these challenges, you still have to do what you can to collect what you’re owed from patients. If you don’t, you’ll see a consistent dip in your overall revenue, and it will affect all parts of your dental business. DSC06178

These consequences affect the two groups of people who matter most: 

  • Your patients. These people are your source of revenue, and the reason for your dental business. When their billing experience is poor, it’s more likely that you’ll lose their goodwill, that they’ll find a new dentist, or even leave a bad Google review for potential patients to find.
  • Your staff. When your patient billing process is broken, it’s chaotic and stressful for your in-house team. They don’t want to annoy your patients, but it's their job to collect for the business. With the many tasks involved in patient billing on their shoulders — from producing and mailing bills, to sending reminders, to making the bank deposit— they feel stretched thin, and they might look for a less stressful job elsewhere.

All of these patient billing woes are avoided when you turn to automated patient billing. 

DCS Patient Billing delivers revenue fast

DCS is a complete revenue cycle management solution for dental businesses. We offer solutions that cover the entirety of the revenue cycle, and our patient billing solution has seen particular success among our customers.

And it’s not just great results — it’s fast results. 

DCS services and solutions enable dental businesses to use the latest technologies and realize benefits sooner. For our patient billing solutions, that includes: 

  • Issuing payment links as soon as the balance is known (no manual processing)
  • Delivering faster outreach with email and text messages
  • Monitoring outstanding balances and following up automatically with regular friendly reminders
  • Accepting payment online from all major credit cards and wallet apps, using any device
  • Instant direct deposit and write back to your practice management software

Read more about DCS Patient Billing Solutions

Here are just a few of our costumers who have seen the fruits of these features once implemented at their dental office.

A dental practice in Hudson, Ohio started with DCS Patient Billing in May of 2023. Just over a year later, her office has collected $281,817 through our automated patient billing solutions.  Patient Billing Data DCS

With DCS Patient Billing costing only $4,704 that year, she saw a 3,474% ROI. 

Another customer in Dayton, Ohio began using DCS Patient Billing in March 2024. Their total patient collections came to $112,595 in the first 6 months. 

They paid $3,500 for DCS Patient Billing. This makes their ROI 3,217%.

With results like these — that start within a week and continue month after month — signing up for DCS Patient Billing is a no-brainer.

Not only will your patients and your team love the ease and convenience, but cash flow like this can transform your dental business, open new opportunities for growth, and help guarantee a secure future for you and your staff.

Are you ready to maximize your patient billing like these successful dental practices?

To recap, a few common patient billing challenges dental professionals face are: 

  • Patients typically don’t understand their dental insurance coverage — so they don’t understand their Explanation of Benefits information, either
  • A mailed bill doesn’t always arrive or get opened
  • Collecting from patients can be sensitive and complex

But when you automate patient billing, all of these challenges evaporate, and you’ll see cash flow seamlessly into your dental business. Our customers have seen increased cash flow within a week, and a 3,000%+ ROI when they use our patient billing solution — and you can too. 

Maximize your patient billing process immediately: Book a free 30-minute consultation with DCS.

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